Sunday, November 11, 2007

Party for Dave and Sarah

We had a goodbye party for our friends, Dave and Sarah, on Friday night. (They didn't have their camera so I promised I'd post pictures.) They are among the first few people we met when we got here and were so friendly to us. They invited us to a be in a marriage group at their house with another couple every Friday--we went through the book Love and Respect (by Emerson Eggerichs, highly recommend it!) We grilled out, talked and played (lots of kids!), prayed over them, and then later played games. Fun times.
We'll miss you guys! Keep in touch!
We stole the Hospitality House way of sending people off by sharing memories and then praying for them. (Don't worry, we gave you credit Matt and Tina :)

Lisa and Jess

Noble and Lisa
Dave, Sarah, Heather, Alan and their daughter Makki

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