Saturday, July 31, 2010

Life in KY

We went to the water park on post (well, pool with slides :) The kids are I were there all day and had a blast! Unfortunately, school starts back up this week down here so all the pools are closing already so we were glad to get to go before it closed for the summer. Really shallow area, great for little ones.
Snack time!

They have life vests which was great so the kids could swim in the deeper area without me having to hold on to all three at a time. And you can see how many people were there by the end of the day!!

We found this great wooden playground near our house. It's huge!

It actually continues back 2 or 3 times as much as you can see!

It's been really humid and rained a lot lately so we haven't played outside all that much even though we have a huge backyard.

We have played chalk and with cars a few times though.

To show you our backyard... Brian was washing the vehicles out back... ... the kids were playing in a shady part...

.... WAY over there!! It's huge!!
As you can see, we're doing well although we miss you all! Keep in touch! :)


Unknown said...

what a beautiful yard! enjoy this next season of your adventure.

Christy said...

WOW Jen, your backyard is awesome!!!!!

Kris said...

It's nice that you have so many great places for the kids to play. I'm looking forward to seeing you in the fall!!