We love having company but then when they leave, it's always sad because I know I can't just be on vacation anymore and we have to get back to reality and everyday life and work. And I don't have the help of extra hands and adults to talk to during the day.
But I do have my cute kids to be with and I really do enjoy being a mom. Blake is on the move now for real. He's been scooting and scooching and dragging himself and halfcrawling for awhile but now he's up on all fours and all over the house...which means I have to watch him like a hawk. He's already pulled the candles and books off the table, messed with buttons on the TV and tried to pull the blinds down. And he's trying to pull up and will walk if you hold his hands. Ahh, it's going too fast!
Natalie is growing up before our eyes too, saying the funniest things. She says "honey" or other terms of endearment all the time, referring to me or Blake: "Mommy honey, you okay?" and "I want wear sweater, sweetie" and "Hi honey Bakey" And when she is eating she'll say "Mmm Mommy, it's SOOO good!" or "Juud (good) job Mommy, it's licious!" And when I tell her about something we're going to do that day, she says "I'm so excited!" And if something falls down or something bad happens: "Oh my guhness(goodness)!" The best is when I put her to bed and she prays "Dee Jesus, lud (love) you. Thank you Mommy Daddy Nanee Bake. I lud you Jesus. Amen" followed by "I lud you Mommy sweetheart" as I walk out the door. Can't beat that! :)
I can not believe he's already crawling. I wish I could have seen him so mobile. I miss you guys!!! Good luck to brian. I'll be praying for sure/
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